An Attitude of Gratitude

Thank you. Two very simple words that can move mountains. Isn’t it awesome when you do business with someone who truly appreciates your business? They’re grateful to have you walk into their shop, return their call, or purchase something from them online. When you hear a sincere expression of thanks, it really does connect you with that person. Why then is it so rare?

Because for most of us, gratitude is a skill.  It takes practice. True there are the Suzie Sunshines out there who just bubble over with it, but for most of us it’s just not the case. We’ve got to work on it. There are so many benefits that each of us should really take notice. Benefits to you include:

  •  You’re a nicer person, people like to be around you. Gaining more friends and deepening existing relationships is a good bonus in life.
  • You’re healthier and sleep better. Here’s to less ruminating about events that cause holes in your stomach.  You all know the song, “Let it go”….seriously, let it go and say thanks that it’s gone. See gratitude!
  • You’re a better leader at work. Think of all the people you work with you’d appreciate a thank you, and better yet, recognition of thanks. Make it public, shout it from the loudspeakers, express public appreciation to those who make a difference.
  • Lastly, gratitude helps you emotionally during those times when you need it. You will have a ready reserve during those tough times because you’re attuned to staying resilient. You display less envy and you’re more relaxed.

And if you’re looking for another way to feel happier, I recommend exercise. More to come on running.

You can easily pick up the practice of gratitude, remember this coming from Colonel Candid, by simply spending five minutes writing. Yep, cheesy, I know, but a gratitude journal works. When you do anything over and over again, you start to form a habit. This is a great habit to form because over a couple of months, you’ll build a positive feedback loop. It’s more than just unicorns and butterflies here, there’s actual science that this stuff works and I’m all for the free assist.  So, next time you get a sincere thank you from someone, take that gratitude and remember it. Keep it going because I’m all about seeing you find your greatness.


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