Uplift Others and You’ll Stand on Higher Ground

Here you are ready to hike up over that mountain in front of you. All your training is now put to the test. Taking up this challenge, you’ve got your mind ready too. It’s “go” day and as you launch, I’d like to provide you with some additional goodness to take along.

First, surround yourself with “CAN” people. As you start with fresh legs, most people, optimistically, are fearless. That’s the fun of starting out and it’s also the time to grab a hand of another to keep up along with you. Your excitement will be infectious. Keep climbing and encouraging others.

Here you are getting to the steeper and steeper parts. You’re now seeing this for how hard it really it really is and your feet are beginning to hurt. That small voice in your head is starting to ask yourself over and over again “why are you doing this?” Here’s a great example of why it’s so important to remain surrounded by people who can lift you up when you need it and most importantly you can do the same for them. Here’s where realistically the advice, “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future,” is so useful. Climbing the mountain with those who motivate you as much as you motivate them equates to great combination.

When you reach the peak, savor that goal. I’ve heard it said by some seniors, “it’s lonely at the top,” and my both sarcastic and candid response is, “you just failed to bring people with you.” This journey is a free solo, it’s important to create a community. If you do this at the beginning, you form the possibility to have people who will circle the wagons when one of your members needs support.

As much as the view from the top is inspiring and life changing, at some point you need to hike down. What few people talk about is how climbing down the mountain is often the hardest part. You’re muscles are really smokes, the finish line seems far, and your attitude might not be at peak optimism. Here you can work at exercising constrain of one of the most important muscles in your body, your tongue. The great friends, family, and colleagues stand shoulder to shoulder with you. When your feet are weary and your knees are buckling, they’ll prevent your tumble down the trail. Because you’ve invested in others, the return in kind is limitless.

I’m so thrilled to know so many of you are undertaking this climb. Consider those on your hike with you because joy shared, is joy multiplied. A hand up to a friend is one that is never empty. Lastly, when you need that hand, reach out to those with you, because there are plenty of us who will swim through shark infested water to help you out. What a grand adventure you’re taking as you find your greatness.


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