Persuading Others

Have you ever had an idea that you so completely believe in that it subsumes you? That thing that keeps you up at night and sets your brain on fire? Here’s a chance to make it happen. To make this idea come into a reality you’ve got to work extremely hard with a knowledge of how to persuade others to your idea. Here are a couple of examples from Colonel Candid on how to get after turning your idea into a reality.

To start off, take an assessment of who really can make this thing happen. Who is the big kahuna? Now, who influences that person? And again, what feeds those people? Are your ideas nested within a broader concept that needs shifting? You can look at what they read, listen to, and who they work with. Your research will pay off here.

In the working world a great place to start is LinkedIn. What a golden tool of information! Use this along with your search engines to find out more information on your idea, on those who’ve gone before you and how to start to specifically target “who” can make your idea become a reality.

When you find out about this concept, organization, or person look at the set up. Now let’s go forward and use your skills to turn this into a reality.

CONCEPT: Changing a theory and underlies a practice take deliberate planning, this creates the greatest likelihood for change. A great example of this are in social justice movements. The vision of a leader works to challenge practices tied to foundationally believed truth. Persuading others to buy into and concurring with this vision occurs through a dynamic approach from you.

ORGANIZATION: Persuading a group, company, or an industry to make change requires showmanship. Your polished public speaking and storytelling starts a fire. Additionally, policy changes are a great way to persuade seismic shifts but man, oh man, are they hard. Again, I know you won’t let that stop you. Find someone who just loves rules, regulations and process – EXPLOIT their knowledge. Why? Because there is an exception to every policy. Persuasion in this realm takes a calm head, smooth actions, and the ability for you to jump at the chance when opportunity strikes. A great example in this field was by the author Steven King who disrupted the publication world when he rebutted them by delivery of how own writing through methods outside of the industry. He forever altered the publication industry by his actions.

PEOPLE: Alas, now it’s time too work your magic on a person or people at a smaller level. Here you can work to mirror these persons past successful examples to your idea today. How you plant this seed today for a tree to bare fruit later takes a thoughtful approach. Can you influence the person to think it’s their own idea? When you have those casual conversations take the subtle approach to suggest ideas. Craft your idea into their lexicon and their comfort areas. Fantastic books to read on this topic are Influence:The Psychology of Persuasion and one of my favorites, Thinking, Fast and Slow.

Underling all of this is your belief in your idea. If you are on fire to get this across the finish line you are unstoppable. Work towards finding methods to get your idea out there and take the first step. You can do this and persuade others to see the greatness you already know exists within yourself!


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